Our two pre-school age groups, Mulberry and Willow use the same rooms, however great care is taken in organising the day, to ensure that the two individual groups are provided with the age appropriate care and attention they need and only come together during certain times of the session.
Once a place has been confirmed in Willow you will be sent a contract and a £50 deposit is required.
You can also download the registration form here – CLICK HERE
By now the children are well settled into a nursery school routine. In order to help them with this routine and benefit fully from their environment, we ask that your child attends a minimum of three 4 hours sessions per week. This enables the child to transfer knowledge from their short-term to long- term memory. If you wish to increase their sessions staff will be happy to discuss this with you as well as keeping you informed of your child’s progress and continued development.
To facilitate and structure your child’s learning, our qualified staff have developed routines which integrate with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. These routines ensure that all parts of a child’s development are covered and enable you to follow your child’s progress through the records taken from observations from your child’s key person.
The Willow team provide a caring environment with a high staff to child ratio where children are encouraged to be confident and considerate. All the children are treated and respected as individuals as well as being taught to consider the group. Qualified and experienced staff work with the children individually and in small groups to help them reach their full potential.
We prepare the children for school, develop their language, pre-reading, literacy and number skills. With this grounding and the extra emphasis, we place on personal, emotional and social development, we feel the children will be well prepared and ready to move to the next stage of their education. As our children approach an age of better understanding, emphasis is placed on high standards of self-discipline, considerate behaviour and general preparation for their subsequent schooling.
If you require any additional sessions or would like to visit Willow, please contact Jacky Corcoran as soon as possible.
If you decide you would like to leave your child in our care, then we ask that you arrange a series of at least 1/2 visits. This is to enable both you and your child to become familiar with the surroundings and staff. After you are comfortable, during this process, you may be asked to leave your child with us for a short period and then come and collect her/him. The length of time your child is left will depend on the number of visits and their best interests.
Jacky Corcoran
Education: | N.N.E.B – NVQ Level 4 – Management Level 3 – S.E.N.C.O |
When open: | 51 weeks, 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday |
The Childrens Learning Centre is open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, 51 weeks of the year. We cater for working and non-working parents.
The cost of a hot meal is shown on the ‘fee sheet’ and is available for all children who attend the nursery school at 12 noon. Our caterers supply a wide and varied menu as you will see the menu on this website – CLICK HERE. Two weeks notice is required for holidays and changes. Tea is also available for those children attending afternoon sessions at 4.00 p.m.
We will supply a small cloth bag with your child’s name tag. Please could you use this to supply a change of clothes and named water bottle.
We cannot accept children with any infectious diseases, no conditions like conjunctivitis, impetigo, sickness and diarrhoea. We can accept children with colds etc. if you feel they are well enough and do not have a temperature of 38°C or above or need the full time care of a member of staff. We cannot cater for, or give the care that your child needs if he/she is unwell. We also advise that any child under 1 receiving medication for the first time remain at home for 48 hours in case there is a reaction. All children with a temperature and/or continuous cough must be collected immediately.
In the event of your child having vomiting and/or diarrhoea symptoms they must stay away from nursery until they have been free of symptoms for 48 hours and feel well in themselves.
If your child is unwell during the day and in the team’s professional opinion unfit for nursery we will contact you at home or work. If you are unable to collect your child we would very much appreciate you making alternative arrangements. In the unlikely event of an emergency with your child our procedure is to call for medical assistance first and then contact you. Our aim is to ensure that your child is never put at risk.
We are happy to administer any medication including inhalers etc. Any medication needs to be entered onto the medicine form and signed by the parent or guardian to authorise its use. The medication will be given by a key person or senior member of staff and witnessed by another member of staff to ensure the correct medication and dosage is given.
The absence of a child does not lessen the cost of running a Centre like this – we are therefore unable to refund fees. However in the unfortunate event of long-term sickness alternative arrangements will be considered.
Our staff ratios are as follows:
3-4 yrs. 1 member of staff to every 5/6 children.
During each session the children will be offered;
Choosing time, Welcome Time and Group time, Snack time, Activity time, Playtime, Story and Singing;
Choosing time | The children are welcomed into a child friendly environment, where they are free to choose toys, games and puzzles available at their level in areas around the room. Willow children will also self-register at this time. Our qualified staff use this time to play with the children and create conversation to learn more about them. They help support their confidence in language, thinking and communicating with both adults and their peers. This time also allows opportunities for parents to talk with staff if they wish. This is the ideal opportunity in a relaxed environment for the children to learn to share, take turns and have empathy for others. At the end of choosing time the children are encouraged to tidy up with the sand timer as support. |
Welcome time | The children settle into their team areas in each room, where Mulberry will sing their group song and have welcome time while Willow will use Makaton and sing their day song and count the children. Both groups will discuss the topic being followed that week. Willow children will also use this time to do their Jolly Phonics joining in with fun songs and actions. |
Activity time | This is the time that both Willow and Mulberry children join together. It is very much child initiated learning where the children have continuous access to play in the creative area, investigation area, role play, sand and water as well as many other activities that reflect the topic of the moment. Staff play alongside the children, helping to develop their learning and social skills, enabling them to become more confident and independent individuals and most of all to have FUN. |
Snack time | We ensure all our children have a choice of 2 or 3 healthy snacks, which include a variety of fruit and vegetables and other snacks (listed outside the Willow/Mulberry coat area). Children also choose between milk and water as well as having access to a ‘water station’ throughout the day with their water bottles. We use snack time to promote healthy choices and discussions about ‘Being Healthy’, which also include the importance of hand washing and keeping active. |
Group time | Either Mulberry or Willow will go out into the garden first allowing a smaller group to use the indoors space for group time with their key person. Resources are selected and organised to use with the children that reflect the breadth and balance of our curriculum and provide coverage of all 7 areas of learning, both inside and out, creating fun and exciting activities for the children, and staff. We use this opportunity to move children forward in their learning and are able to differentiate between individual children’s needs. This is also one of the times where we are able to observe our children and record their progress, which we are able to share with parents/guardians. |
Garden time | Again, either Mulberry or Willow will go out into the garden at any one time. We believe outdoor play is vital to young children’s learning and helps them to develop intellectually, socially and emotionally as well as physically. We provide rich and relevant resources outside to help children explore all 7 areas of learning and help to develop their natural curiosity about the world around them, through play and having FUN. We have a large play area with access to grass, soft play, a reading/writing den and playground. We use climbing frames, cars, bikes, trikes, ball games, role play, construction and nature to stimulate our children’s development. |
Story and Singing | The children are settled into their Willow and Mulberry team areas for a relaxed story and singing session. We also use this time to reflect on their experiences throughout the day, before going home. |
We ensure our nursery day has a good balance between adult led and child initiated activities to help fully develop their social skills and help prepare them for school. The afternoon session follows a very similar pattern. Each session is carefully designed to provide a balanced range of experiences for your child, to stimulate educationally and to provide fun emotionally and socially. This should help your child grow in every way. Please give us feedback, any ideas are always welcome. |