General Information
Children should be taken to the entrance required for their age. Please be aware our car park can become busy and we ask that all parents remain with their children at all times.
Any vehicles entering the car park should do so with caution.
Children should be collected from the same place that they were dropped. The children will be handed over to you by a member of staff, who will give you any feedback about the session. To allow for this feedback please arrive 5 minutes before your child’s pick up time.
Holly children must have a cooked lunch. Mulberry and Willow children can either have a cooked lunch or bring their own packed.
Lunch menu is available here – CLICK HERE
Cancellation of cooked lunches require 2 weeks notice..
Once your child is already attending the nursery, we would require 1 months’ notice from all rooms for any changes or removal from our setting.
Failure to do so will result in loss of deposit.
On receipt of your contract, any sessions cannot be amended against this contract prior to the start date. If you wish to change your session, including deferring or cancelling, this will result in cancellation of this contract, loss of deposit and issue of a new contract.
Please ensure that all items of clothing that are likely to be removed are clearly marked, e.g. coats, gloves, jumpers, etc. Unmarked possessions waste so much valuable time.
We have our own labelling site if you require some help, please visit
Our ID is – 94949
all commission earned is spent in the nursery
We are primarily concerned for the happiness of your child. If after a reasonable period of time it is clear that your child has not settled, we would then need to discuss alternative arrangements with parents.
It is vital that all children attending the Centre feel very secure and happy at all times. The way you handle this contributes immensely to their overall sense of happiness and well-being. It is important to be very positive, to explain from the start that you will be leaving but that you will always be back, and to leave your child quickly.
Please help them hang up their coats and settle down with a quiet game but do not stay longer than necessary. We say this because it is very hard for some children to make that transition if you are still in view in the building.
You need to empower your child to grow in confidence and settle down quickly. Please be assured that we would always telephone if we felt your child was in any way unsettled.
For obvious reasons we operate a policy of no smoking or vaping anywhere in the building or the grounds
CLICK HERE for all up to date term dates
We ask that once you have entered any of our rooms where children are present you must not, under any circumstances use your mobile phones. From a Safeguarding point of view, they need to stay in bags or pockets when dropping off or collecting.
All our policies and procedures are kept in the front office with the main ones on our website. CLICK HERE . If you wish to view those not on the website, at any time, please arrange this with a member of staff.
We review two policies each month, these policies and procedures will be displayed on the wall outside the front office and in the cloak room area outside mulberry/willow for you to read. Any suggestions or comments about these or any other aspects of nursery are welcome.
Our staff are there, not only to ensure that your child has an enjoyable time, but also to keep you informed of your child’s progress. Please feel free to discuss any queries, concerns etc. with them at any time.
If you require any further help or support then please contact Jacky Corcoran
A copy of our complaints procedure is available on our website.
Should you be unhappy with any aspect of the operation of the Nursery please speak to the Centre Manager (01243 372015). If we are unable to satisfy your concerns, then the regulatory body governing day care or nurseries is Ofsted (0300 123 1231).
Parents are welcome into the nursery at any time if there is a need to discuss a particular point with any of the staff. Alternatively, any parent may telephone the Centre to discuss any queries (01243 372015).