Welcome to the Childrens Learning Centre
The Childrens Learning Centre seeks to provide an excellent, safe, quality environment and theĀ opportunity for the personal development of its children within a caring atmosphere where the unique qualities of each individual, staff, child and parent alike, are recognised, nurtured and valued.’Ā
Our Centre Manager
Jacky Corcoran
Jacky Corcoran has been Manager of the Childrens Learning Centre since 1991 providing care for many children and their families within the community. Children that she has cared for in the past are now returning as parents bringing the next generation! Jacky manages a large team of staff who embrace the ethos of the Childrens Learning Centre.
Jacky is responsible for the day to day running of the nursery and management duties. She specialises in supporting and encouraging all children, staff and families with all aspects of behaviour management and training.
Jacky has a very hands on approach and loves nothing more than getting to know each and every child and their families.
In Jacky's absence her very capable deputy manager, Amber Weeks is available in the same capacity.
click the 'room name' below the image for more info
A Great Place for Your Child to Grow
- Warm, inviting and family-oriented environment.
- Equality of opportunities for all.
- Qualified childcare professionals.
- Treat each child as an individual with unique educational and personal needs.
- Fantastic outdoor space and play areas
- A child centred approach
- Continuous improvements and professional development.
- Excellent, supportive partnership with parents.
Look at the fun we've had
Follow the Childrens Learning Centre and see what fun we are having.
CLICK HERE to see all our images of the fun we have had so far !
We have celebrated Children in Need, World book day to name a few !

Coming to see us today?
Don't Forget Your Smile !
What Ofsted had to Say!
Staff build effective partnerships with parents, who are exceptionally
complimentary about the setting. Staff share children’s learning through daily
feedback. They actively encourage parents to extend children’s learning at
home. For example, they provide older children with resources they can share
with their parents at home.

Effective partnerships with parents
Staff are excellent role models. They provide superb support to children in all
areas of the curriculum. There is an exceptionally strong focus on developing
children’s language and the skills they need for future learning. Staff introduce
phonics to teach older children that letters and words have meaning. Children
identify the letters in their name and begin to try and form each letter. Some
children successfully write their whole name, proudly showing staff and visitors
how they write from left to right.

Staff are excellent role models
Children develop a strong sense of right and wrong. They consistently display
excellent behaviour due to well-established boundaries and carefully structured
routines. Staff have very high expectations for all children, who respond positively
to the experiences on offer.

Staff have very high expectations for all children
Children thrive in this exceptional nursery. They are provided with high-quality care
and an extremely calm and stimulating learning environment. Children are inspired
to engage in purposeful play, indoors and outdoors, with a wide range of resources
that encourage them to be curious and creative.

Children thrive in this exceptional nursery
Our Team of Professionals









Kirsty M



Jacky Corcoran


Sandra P



